Monday, January 16, 2012

The Beauty Department: Your Daily Dose of Pretty. - page 8

The Beauty Department: Your Daily Dose of Pretty. - page 8

It's never too late to discover something new! I joined Bloglovin and have been enjoying surfing all types of blogs. This is the one blog that I feel like I have to share with my friends.

In the Video, Lauren Conrad is showing how to make fishingtail braid which I never thought it could be that easy!!!


The Beauty Department: Your Daily Dose of Pretty. - page 7

The Beauty Department: Your Daily Dose of Pretty. - page 7

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Great Deal Must Share!!!

If you have experiencing the hard time to comb through your hair in the morning, Tangle Teezer is the ultimate hair brush must have!!!

Not sure about it, go youtube it and see all the great reviews of this teezer!

I've just purchased another purple one today.  I've had a pink/black one bought long time ago, but I kind of broke it...  Be aware!!! It's absolute plastic, so do not let your blow dryer blow to the brush for too long if hot because the heat would burn the brush.  

Enjoy your shopping.  

Monday, January 9, 2012

NYX, Estee Lauder, Revlon Colorburst Lip Swatches

1.Estee Lauder Pure Color Series 44 Wild Coral

2.Revlon Colorburst 096 Petal

3.Christian Dior Addict 762 Paris

Bare Lip

Estee Lauder Pure Color 44 Wild Coral

Estee Lauder Pure Color 44 Wild Coral

Revlon Colorburst 096 Petal

Revlon Colorburst 096 Petal

Revlon Colorburst 096 Petal

Christian Dior Addict 762 Paris

Christian Dior Addict 762 Paris

Christian Dior Addict 762 Paris

Estee Lauder Pure Color 44 Wild Coral

Revlon Colorburst 096 Petal

Christian Dior Addict 762 Paris

Christian Dior Addict 762 Paris

Left to Right: EL, Revlon, Dior







El:approx 18USD after tax,purchased at cosmetic company outlet store
Revlon: approx 8 after tax, purchase at CVS/Walgreen
Dior: approx 32 after tax, purchase at Sephora/dpt store

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Rencent buy

一月来啦~~~Tax season很忙,商店也很忙,到处都是Sale,大家要坚持住!!等待暴风雨的来临吧!

Banana Republic
Banana Republic

Bag: Miu Miu mini bow
Sweater: Ann Taylor
Pants: Abercrombie(old)
Shoes: Minnetonka

Some sales worth a shot

Don't we just love the holiday season! Especially with the sales going on.  I was looking for a pair of Michael Kors buckled platform pumps and found this maxi dress on sales @ CK online store.   As a huge fan of CK, I can not pass this deal on.  There are only xs and smalls left, so hopefully I can squeeze in size small.  No telling Mr.  ;)  Oh by the way, the dress is 100% silk!!!!

Calvin Klein Leopard print silk maxi dress 49.99 with addtional 25% off

This pair of boots is about the same look with the famous Stuart Weiztman 5050, except the price is much prettier. 

Arlena Suede Stretch Riding Boots 149.88 with addtional 40% off at Ann Taylor

Click here to see


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

NYX Lip Balm Swatches: Sparkling Nude, Tea Rose


Sparkling Nude 是很shimmering的橘色,coral,珠光特别特别的密集,我还挺喜欢这款的,手背试色感觉是闪闪的橘色香槟色。

Tea Rose算是颜色很正很正的偏玫瑰色的nude color,creamy,minimal shimmer,手背试色就可以看出sparkling nude和tea rose的shimmer的程度。

下面直接看试色吧,这两款日常放包里随时想起来都可以直接用。 NYX家的唇彩价格也不高,多囤几只也不为过。

Bear lip

Bear lip

Top: sparkling nude, bottom: tea rose

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

NYX LIPSTICK SWATCHES - Pumpkin Pie, Iris, Georgia, and Gala


两个橘色系,两个粉色系。  NYX唇膏的特点是上色容易,还算滋润,但是总觉得上色不够均匀,而且珠光太多,把人的肤色对比的容易显的暗淡。

Pumpkin Pie: 个人比较喜欢pumpkin pie的橘色,说橘色不如说是natural nude,比较适合我这种唇色有些深,牙有点黄再加上典型黄脸婆。 以前也入手过几个被大家吹捧的所谓“大热”的裸色唇膏,当然碰上像我这样的唇色+各种硬件不足的结果就是涂上去只能是显得脸更黑,牙更黄,俨然一高危病号,随之不得不打入冷宫。 Pumpkin Pie虽然有些珠光不过颜色还算比较橘色,也不觉得橘的太刺眼。 一到五分的话我给他打个3分。

Iris: 如果皮肤白又喜欢闪闪的唇膏的话,Iris真的再适合不过了。 光是看在手背上的试色就能看出来,Iris就是珠光的不能再珠光的Nude色。  真的是亮的不得了,白皮的姑娘们再适合不过了。 这个嘛,2分吧我的大黄皮不是很合适

Georgia: 就是很珠光的粉色,这个适合做那种比较Tan的妆容,会显的皮肤很tan,可以搭配着Bronzer就完美了。偶尔可以搞搞怪,这个上班用就还是算了。 个人觉得这个唇膏明年夏天去海边的时候应该会带着沙滩上凹个造型还是不错的。 4分,能handle好妆容就无敌了。

Gala: 珠光相对前三个都少很多, 有点Matt的chalky pink的感觉,白皮的白牙的可以尽管尝试,黄板牙+黄脸婆就还是算了。。。这个应该就直接打入冷宫了。


Left to Right :  Pumpkin Pie, Iris, Georgia, Gala

From top: Gala, Georgia
From bottom: Pumpkin Pie, Iris